It’s Pro Bono Month! Here are the Events You Should Know About (Please Share!)


October is pro bono (latin: for free) month and my firm, Wells Law Firm, is partnering with Arkansas Legal Services, Center for Arkansas Legal Services, and the W. Harold Flowers Law Society on several events this month, which I have listed below. If you are an attorney and you’d like to volunteer, feel free to email me and I will get you the information: jennifer at

October 22-Wills and Healthcare Forms for UAMS Rockefeller Cancer Institute.Β 


Teams of Arkansas lawyers, legal assistants, notaries public, and law students are needed to prepare simple wills, advance directives, and powers of attorney for health care and financial matters for cancer patients at UAMS. (I won’t be attending this one, but thought I should include it for anyone who qualifies

UAMS Rockefeller Cancer Institute patients can sign up online.

October 24-Expungement Clinic at Shorter College


Attorneys with the W. Harold Flowers Law Society are partnering with the Center for Arkansas Legal Services, Legal Aid of Arkansas, Arkansas Legal Services Partnership and Arkansas Access to Justice Commission to host an Expungement Clinic to provide free legal help to low-income Β Arkansans and Shorter College students in preparing legal forms to seal criminal records.

Low-income Arkansans who want help can make an appointment online.

October 28-Wills and Healthcare Forms at Arkansas Children’s Hospital


Teams of Arkansas lawyers, legal assistants, notaries public, and law students are needed to prepare simple wills, advance directives, and powers of attorney for health care and financial matters for patients and their families at Children’s Hospital.

ACH patients and families can sign up online.

One thought on “It’s Pro Bono Month! Here are the Events You Should Know About (Please Share!)

  1. My daughter has Chronic Myeliod Leukemia. the medication she has to take is known to cause heart and liver damage. (Tasigna) The doctors diagnosed her on March 17, 2014. Before she left the hospital, she was told that she had heart damage. She has 3 children, 7, 3 1/2, & 1 1/2. She is 24 yrs. old. * She was denied social security. She was given large doses of Klonipin (2mg 4x daily and Hydrocodone 10 mg also 4x Daily. She and the children lived with me. The DHS people told her that she could not be left alone with her children due to the medication she was on. Due to diminished liver function she became overdosed on her Klonopin and became violent. I removed the children from the home and when I returned a couple of days later, she was delusional. Her Fiance and a friend were with her. The Police came and arrested her for domestic battery against me. I had to be taken to the hospital by ambulance. My 29 year old son and 19 yr old daughter came to the house before my daughter was taken to jail. At 3am DHS showed up and removed the children, claiming that there was no blood relative present. I was told that if I did not get an order of protection against her, I would not get the children back. Yesterday we had court, and due to that order of protection, my daughter who is terminally ill and her children could not come back home. Now that we know why things went the way that they did, my daughter is off of that medication, that caused the mental and physical breakdown. And we are not allowed to see the children due to the no contact/ order of protection. They are also saying that due to her illness she would not be able to get the kids back because she might not be healthy enough to take care of them. Could you please help us ? My name is Elizabeth Box. (501) 388-9214. Thank You.

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